
Arapix12 is a new Latin-Arabic pixel font with very special capabilities! First, it is extremely compact: every Latin and Arabic glyphs are designed within just 12 pixels, which is especially reduced for fitting Arabic extended ascenders and descenders. The resulting compactness makes Arapix a great typeface for very small texts or low-density screens, like transportation signs, advertising displays, low-cost mobile phones, appliances displays... In order to fit in a 12-pixel-high grid, all vocalization marks have been replaced by empty glyphs, meaning that they won’t appear in order to avoid collisions between upper and lower lines. Arapix proportions and humanistic look make Latin and Arabic scripts work beautifully together. Pixel font does not mean no need for kerning! Arapix has complete one-pixel-based Latin and Arabic kerning. Arabic OpenType tables allow Arapix12 to work in Microsoft Word, TextEdit, Mellel as well as ME version of Adobe Creative Suite. Arapix is available at MyFonts