TYP, observatoire typo-graphique
“Électrotypographie” is the second issue of this French magazine published in the context of the "Rencontres Internationales de Lure". Alternately with the reports of the summer conferences, TYP presents a collection of reflexive articles about typography, through multidisciplinary thematics, privileging textual contents over pictures.
TYP, observatoire typo-graphique
Revue des Rencontres Internationales de Lure
“Électrotypographie” analysis focuses on digital typography: “potentiality, technical issues, design, encoding, reading, tools, exchanges and preservation. It features a contribution for anthology by Victor Hugo - Ceci tuera cela.” In this apparently cold environnement, Elena manage to write an article named “The Revenge of Scripts”...
La typographie numérique : potentialités, problématiques techniques, création, codages, lectures, supports, échanges et conservation. Le document numérique : enjeux, accès. Des contributions aiguillonnées par Victor Hugo - «Ceci tuera cela» en anthologie.
Revue TYP